The Techno-Legal Bridge
The ABC’s of Digital Forensics For the Bench

Bridging the Gap with TechBenchers: Digital Forensics for Legal Professionals
We understand that the digital landscape can seem daunting for those without a technical background. Therefore, our mission is to demystify complex digital forensics concepts and present them in a way that is accessible, relatable, and applicable to legal practitioners.
Advanced Persistent Threat (APT)
Standard Definition: An adversary with sophisticated levels of expertise and significant resources, allowing it through the use of multiple different attack vectors (e.g., cyber, physical, and deception), to generate opportunities
Ethernet Port
Standard Definition: An Ethernet port is a jack or socket on a computer that allows the use of an Ethernet connector. These ports are essential in allowing the creation of
Standard Definition: A security measure designed to protect a communications system against acceptance of fraudulent transmission or simulation by establishing the validity of a transmission, message, originator, or a means
Network Interface Card (NIC)
Standard Definition: A network interface card (NIC) is a hardware component, typically a circuit board or chip, which is installed on a computer so it can connect to a network.
Application Programming Interface (API)
Standard Definition: A system access point or library function that has a well-defined syntax and is accessible from application programs or user code to provide well-defined functionality. Simplified Analogy: Simply